Happy New Year
Nsaa Nefateri would like to wish all our customers and stockists a wonderful New Year. May it be full of abundance and joy for you all.
Mug Sale!
Don't miss out on our great mug sale, while stocks last. Be sure to purchase yours and make someone you love feel truly special.
Christmas is coming!
Wow, can you believe that 2015 is almost over? We've just hit autumn and you've probably noticed that the major high street shops have filled their window displays with Christmas cards and gifts. This year at Nsaa Nefateri we have done the same and brought you a selection of Christmas cards, which are now available to purchase online. Our loyal stockists will have cards in store by the end of October. Be sure to check out our online store for the full range or take a look at our stockists page to find which one is nearest to you....
African Caribbean Gifts Black Coasters Black Gifts Black Keyrings Black Magnets Black Mugs Nsaa Nefateri
We are so happy to let you know that we have some wonderful new products coming to Nsaa Nefateri very soon. We have just finished designing a range of Mugs, Magnets, Notepads, Coasters and Collector Tins. Be sure to keep visiting us on or SIGN UP to our mailing list below to be sure you are first to know when they hit our store.
First Post
Wow, we finally made it just for you. Welcome to our wonderful new responsive website. We are so excited to be sharing our new site with you. You will continue to receive beautiful cards, gifts and stationery that inspire, uplift and empower you and your loved ones as we continue to deliver to you, beautiful reflections of hue.